
War is an information crisis

Мы собрали для вас подборку проверенных источников на английском, армянском
и русском языках, ответственно освещающих текущую ситуацию в Арцахе
и в Армении

We have gathered several verified media sources in English, Armenian and Russian. That sources cover the current situation in Artsakh and Armenia responsibly.

Մենք ձեզ համար կազմել ենք հայալեզու, ռուսալեզու և անգլալեզու ստուգված աղբյուրների ցանկ։ Այդ աղբյուրները պատասխանատու կերպով լուսաբանում են Արցախում և Հայաստանում առկա իրավիճակը:

EVN Report

Digital media platform providing independent journalism from Armenia to a global audience

Language: ENG


An online television and media platform with a focus on human rights and democracy in Armenia

Language: ARM, ENG, RU 

Hetq ( Հետք )

Investigations, human stories, photo reports, news

Language: ARM, ENG, RU / Social networks: ARM

Infocom ( ինփոկոմ )

Non-governmental project based on the objective need to provide Armenian citizens with reliable and operational information

Language: ARM / Instagram: ARM, ENG

Infocom (RU)

Russian-language telegram channel of the Infocom information portal


One of the leading independent multi-media news outlet based in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora

Language: ARM, ENG, RUS

The Armenian Report

An independent platform, committed to delivering quick, accurate, and easily understandable stories about Armenia and Armenians

Language: ENG


Zartonk Media

Media about Armenia and connections with diaspora

Language: ENG


Azatutyun TV ( Ազատություն )

Radio Liberty, private, non-profit news service funded by the United States Congress

Language: ARM 

Kavkaz Uzel (Armenia)

News of the Caucasus. Online portal established by international human rights organisation “Memorial”
Language: RUS


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